Be Still 6x8

by C Todd Fuqua
Be Still 6x8
C Todd Fuqua
Photograph - Photography - Digital Graphic Art
Based on Psalm 46:10 and It Is Well with My Soul
When I first entered treatment in December 2009, a nurse Betsy pulled me out of my first emotional 'clash' with the staff. After telling me to let go and stop trying to be in control, she handed me a slip of paper to research - Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God."
A year later during a restless, sleepless night, the words for this poem floated onto my heart and I jotted them in my journal. I'm learning to be - to feel - and amidst it all, to know that my Higher Power is in control. That brings me peace amidst the loss, the pain, the sadness.
Contact me if you'd like this created in a different format or set of dimensions.
August 25th, 2012
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